Monday, May 27, 2013

Kona Kai Reflects

Kona Kai, our Chocolate Lab and my trusty "First Officer" takes a moment here to reflect on those brave men and women who have given their all in the service to our great nation.

Memorial Day, a day to honor the fallen soldier of the United States' Armed Forces. Take the time to remember for yourself today, for the freedoms we all love do come at a very costly price for many men and women who proudly serve our nation with honor.

And yes, Kona, you can swim now and everyone, please enjoy your day with friends and family. Enjoy that Bar-B-Que, enjoy that day at the beach with your family, enjoy that camping trip, and enjoy that backyard party with friends. Don't be guilted into something else, just take a moment to remember because one of the many reasons we fight for this country is for the freedom to be able to do these things.

Mahalo for Reflecting with Captain Bobby Mitchel


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