Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gateway To The Pacific and Next Stop...???

Ah, the Golden Gate Bridge....The Gateway to the Pacific, as it's known.

Seeing it in a book or on a postcard is one thing, but getting the chance to fly over it, as I've done so many times, is as exhilarating and beautiful as it is to stand next to it on a beautiful San Francisco day or walk across it. If you haven't done so yet, put this gem on your bucket list.

Unfortunately, after viewing the documentary, The Bridge, it also brings up sad thoughts of those who use the bridge for other means to deal with or end their troubled lives.

So, moving along now...Today was a gorgeous day to fly as there was no weather anywhere on the West Coast. I lived in San Francisco for a few years and have visited "The Bridge" many times and by many means. I even had the once in a lifetime chance to fly right over the top of it, from West to East, in formation with another aircraft. Now, that was cool!

A friend of mine has the job to keep the bridge painted and looking beautiful 365 days a year. He said that they start painting on one end and by the time they reach the other end, it's time to start over again. Yes, that's his job, painting and caring for the mighty orange bridge. I do hope he doesn't take extras home to do his house. ;)

Ah, yes, the Bridge. Once, during college, I was sailing on a 32-foot Ericson around the inside of the San Francisco Bay with some friends. I don't know what got into us, but without checking Navigational charts or tidal movements, we decided to go out underneath the bridge and into the beautiful Pacific Ocean. Why? Why not? Yup, next stop Hawaii! Of course it was one of the stunning days like in the photo above and sailing underneath the bridge was amazing, to say the least and just had to be done. Nothing could stop us or change our minds. We were invincible! Young, strong, smart, and adventurous. HA!

We were bookin' brah with the sails up and cruzin' Westward towards and under the Bridge very quickly. Then, once well past the bridge about a mile or so and over the winds and our joyous sounds came, "Prepare to come about!" This nautical term to swing the craft 180 degrees was command by my brother, Terry, who has since passed away. This term gives everyone a 'heads up', or should I say a 'heads DOWN' command because when he quickly spins that control wheel around, the main sail boom is going to swing from one side of the boat to the other with such a speed and force that it would easily knock a person overboard into the ocean and quite possibly knock him or her out too. A very well respected command it is, my friend. Many people have been hit by the boom. Yup, we "came about", as the sailing command states, and came to a sudden, complete STOP in the ocean and were still headed out to sea...BACKWARDS! Yup, next stop Hawaii...fa reals, brah!!

The tide was in full force headed out and we had no wind to make any headway back into the Bay. There was a moment of panic about the 32-foot Ericson, which had just moments ago held a happy bunch novices fresh from Sam's Cafe'. Oh, it was quiet, all right. There was NO wind to aid in our return. Panic began to break out internally throughout the group.

For the record, Ferdinand Magellan, in 1519, gave the name to the Pacific Ocean, for what he described as a "beautiful, peaceful" ocean. It was named Pacific, meaning peaceful. Well, let me tell you that 'ole Ferdinand never sailed Westward under the Golden Gate Bridge after throwing back quite a few ;) bottles of the the 'ole vino at Sam's Café in Tiburon! Oh, and the Fried Calamari rocks at Sam's too, by the way.

Crap! Yeah, that's really what we said too...not! So, down came the sails and up came our trusty motor. We fired all the single digit horsepower stallion had to give up and we, no kidding, had 1 knot of forward speed back into San Francisco Bay. Oh, we got quite a view of the Bridge this time. Quite a view as it took us probably almost an hour just to traverse the distance underneath it. Yes, it was silent abroad the sailboat and we lumbered along for hours trying to make it back into Alameda Harbor with the immense power of Mother Nature's outgoing tide. Were we going to have enough gas? No idea at that time, but we did. Mother Nature...She is not to be underestimated nor fooled with at any time.

There you have it. San Francisco Bay and the Gateway to the Pacific, The Golden Gate Bridge. Please visit and let's go sailing sometime. Especially now that I'm a "Captain" 

Plane...boat...same same. 

Mahalo for flying and sailing with Captain Bobby Mitchel

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