Monday, September 26, 2011

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

Driving home from the airport the other day, I turned the corner and approached our gate. As I made the left turn, something caught my eye when I rounded the corner. As I straightened out I could now see that a line of quite large wild turkeys were making their way across the road in front of me.

I slowed down to a crawl and continued to approach them as best I could without startling them. I thought to myself, "Now, how cool is this?" Since, we've moved up to Catta Verdera last year we've had the company of not only these turkeys, but also deer, quail, geese, eagles, and a fox.

In an orderly fashion, the entire 'bunch' of turkeys made their way across the road and the last one stopped and stared back at me for a moment and it was perfect timing to catch this photo of him/her before entering the bushes on the other side of the road.

After I got home I decided to share these photos with my Facebook friends. Not only did I think it was cool, but I thought it was ironic that these turkeys decided to venture our way and I'm in the middle of writing a cookbook! Ha!

So, up the post went when I realized that I was a bit unsure what you call a 'bunch' of turkeys. 'Gang' immediately came to my mind, but I had to do some research first. I couldn't let this Punahou boy make such a mistake, especially with an Iolani girl in the home too. Off to the Google search page I went to find some information. So the answer is: Flock, Rafter, or Gang. Okay, two of them I've heard of, but Rafter? Not so much. And Gang? Hey, I live in California! So, that was my title for my Facebook post: Flock? Rafter? Gang? Up it went and quickly came the first comment from my friend, Alisa. She posted, "Oh, look at those lovely dinner entrees." Classic!

I changed the Facebook title to Flock? Rafter? Gang? Entrée?

Now, it's late September so this 'Rafter' of turkeys better make scarce come November or someone (not me) just might make them into an entrée.

One last thing. We have yet to encounter the dreaded rattlesnake that is supposed to be around tho area. Dawn has come across snakes while running, but no rattlers. We did get Kona Kai (my First Officer) a series of rattlesnake shots prior to the summer, just in case she gets bit while we are out hiking, walking, etc. It is supposed to "buy us some time" while we get her to a Vet, if bitten. Now that Fall is here, we may be safe.

Mahalo for flying with Captain Bobby Mitchel

1 comment:

  1. I say ENTREE! For Thanksgiving ... Fly one of those babies on out here! (and I mean: bag it, grab your awesome wife and pilot your aircraft to the East Coast). Miss you guys and I LOVE reading the blog. Need another recipe soon. Something Hawaiian!
