Monday, August 29, 2011

First Officer Takes Flight

Aloha and Happy Monday,

Many of you may be familiar with my great photo of Kona Kai leaping off the dock near the cabin at Donner Lake. For those of you who are not, here it is...

Yes, our little First Officer loves the water! She'll jump at any chance to take a leap into any temperature of water to fetch a stick, toy, ball, etc. But now she is all about the tennis ball and nothing else. Always wearing one of her many scarves, she's trained so that when the scarf comes off, it's either bath time or water time! Oh, or a new scarf.

Singing/howling/praying to the tennis ball God, I think

In fact, if her scarf falls off, she has been known to pick it up and bring it to you to have it put back on. It's a little tough for her, you know, with the whole lack of an opposable thumb deal and all.

One other item to note; even though she's around water, she will not go in unless her one word command is given, often just whispered into her ear. We'll keep that word a little secret for now too. ;) It's very cool, though, because you can be swimming in the pool, and even playing with her tennis ball, and she won't come in. Talk about restraint, huh, especially for a Lab? Everyone told us when we put in the pool, we'd never be able to keep a Lab out of it. But after the first day of training, Kona got it and will quietly hang outside the pool until she hears her magic word.

So, yesterday it topped 100 degrees up here in Catta Verdera. It was indeed a pool day and Kona seemed to know it. Off came the scarf and on came 'THAT' look! Oh, we know 'THAT' look too.

"Ah, is it pool time yet, guys?"

With the keen eye, agility, and determination that matches any good shortstop, Kona Kai was given her command and her afternoon of leaping began. Yes, with a keen eye and quick reactions to rival Jeter himself, Kona was 'all about' her ball.

Just look at that concentration! Wow! And coordination to boot as she goes all out to catch her ball mid-flight, time after time, with few breaks. After undergoing cruciate ligament surgery as a puppy in December 2009, her left knee titanium implants really don't seem to hold her back, other than a slight lag that can only be captured in pictures.

Yes, Kona Kai puts in 100%, not for millions of dollars, but for just self-satisfaction, the praise of "Good girl" from her audience, and, of course, the occasional Scooby Snack at break time [Adult Swim]. Just look at her form.

Form? Did I say form? Yup, even Jeter botches one now and then. As for Kona, she shakes it off (literally) and swims over to fetch her ball and sets up for another one.

Speedbrakes required!

What grace, huh? :) OOPS! A little misjudged on that one, but she definitely gave it an all-out effort and wanted it badly. I think the judges deducted a few points for form, but you have to give her credit for focus and determination. The tongue says it all.

So, how long does this go on, you may ask? Jeez...For---EVERRRRRR....

Tiring her out can be a challenge. It's usually only at the command of "All Pau" does she finally hang up the cleats, so to speak, and take a breather. But when she's pau, she's back to her spot and will definitely sleep well in the evening.

Game, set, and match!

Mahalo for flying with Captain Bobby Mitchel
First Officer Kona Kai Waikoloa

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