Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lizard Stalking With "Knob"

Okay, I was bored and had just returned from a trip. I was tired beyond belief, especially after the 2 hour drive back home from the airport at 4AM.

So, "There I was…", as the famous pilot saying goes, napping on the bed in the afternoon when I opened an eye to see Kona Kai in deep thought by the back doors of the bedroom. Yup, deep Lizard stalking thought!

You see, Kona Kai luvs tennis balls and lizards. Yup, as a Chocolate Lab, she is not interested in birds, but rather the yellow tennis ball, squirrels, and lizards. So, there I was napping and opened my eyes to see her fixated on stalking lizards from the bedroom French doors…totally mesmerized and fixated on one thing, whatever lizard was sneaking around outside. :)

So naturally, out came the iPhone and I had to film this, as my video camera was not nearby and it would have disturbed her anyway. Here is what I captured and made into a quick movie in a matter of minutes. I know it's pretty avant-garde and a bit different but it's funny.

And, by the way, why the "Knob" title? Well, when we first got Kona Kai, we would text each other about her 'doings' but when we'd type in the word "Kona" into the text message body, the phone's spell checker would change it  to "Knob" before we'd catch it. So, it then became one of her nicknames. Plus, she has a cute little knob on top of her boney little head :)

Here's the video:

Mahalo for napping with Captain Bobby Mitchel


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